Fight Fitness approach is always positive, safe, challenging. Fight Fitness goal is simple, to provide each and every one of our customers with a unique solution to their unique needs. Fight Fitness offerings include Ballet Dance classes of all types and levels. Fight Fitness offers competitive rates! We also have multi-class deals and sibling deals available. Please call us if we can help or answer any other questions! (647) 907-5425.
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In Business Since 2014
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Sentiment Analysis
I completed the 6 week challenge with great results and will definitely be continuing the classes.
There are lots of bonuses including a personalized meet and greet with the owner, Coach Joe (who is very nice), personalized nutrition plans, results tracking app, learning new recipes, free passes for friends/family, mini challenges and incentives, receiving recognition for your milestones and 1:1 training.
I found it really tough to keep on track with the meal plan over the weekends while running around with the kids taking them to all their activities however at the end of the challenge though, my clothes fit better, I have more confidence and I feel like I can continue these healthy habits into the summer.
I love the kickboxing classes.
Truly special gym with an incredible community.
Warm and Friendly Atmosphere and Energetic Vibes!
Great experience.
I could say a lot more but for the sake of not getting sappy I will leave you with this… when you can find a place where fitness and friendship exist simultaneously… you’ve hit the jackpot, don’t wait!
Excellent training and great coaches..
Fight Fitness is more than a gym, it is a community where I feel welcome, it is a fun class where I can go throw some kicks and feel great about making progress everyday.
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