Carp Village Tutoring and Literacy Centre

My daughter was identified as very intelligent but also diagnosed with a reading and writing learning disability (the definition of dyslexia, although the term is not used in our education system). She was reading at a very low level, not getting the needed support at school, and identifying herself as stupid. We were searching for tutors who were trained to teach dyslexic students to read when we discovered Carp Tutoring and Sarah Reid. Meghan loves attending her sessions and her reading has improved dramatically, so much so that my daughter is now reading at home! I can't say enough about the professionalism and compassion of the staff at Carp Tutoring. Highly recommended!
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We’ve sourced this information directly from the business, so there may be some errors or omissions. If you have any feedback or suggestions on how we can improve this feature, we'd love to hear from you!
- Tutor/Teacher
Sentiment Analysis
We can always depend on the best tutoring service from Carp Village tutoring.
My son has gained a better understanding of high school physics, and we look forward to future sessions with Kevin.
My daughter is progressing well with the support aand key learning strategies being taught.
Kevin has been very accommodating and helpful.
Sarah was able to help my 7 year old who was a non reader at the beginning of grade 2 who is now able to read chapter books.
Wonderful set up and Keith is fantastic.
He really understood Kevin’s instructions much more than the teacher!
My son felt very comfortable in sharing his opinion.
It has given our daughter the confidence to dive into the next level of math with a good sense of what to expect and how to prepare!
Sarah provided a well balanced camp with lots of fun activities (splash pad, ice cream, pizza, a visit from an author, and a trip to the fire station) along with a lot of fun based learning.
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