Best Martial Arts and Combat Sports Classes in Stittsville, ON
The highest-rated Martial Arts Training companies out of 51 vetted & reviewed in the Stittsville area.
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“It's an amazing place to learn karate and also discipline it also is a great workout would definitely recommend going here also the sensei's are really nice”
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Silver 7 Martial Arts & Fitness
- Skills
- Environment
- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
“Silver7 is run by professional Coaches who are there to assist you regardless if your end goal is to lose weight, be healthier, learn / improve your skills, or to just have fun.”
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Pathway Jiu Jitsu
“Professional team.”
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Stittsville Taekwon-do
“Great place to train”
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The Mud Oven
- Mug
- Colours
- Prices
“We arrived and were shown to our table, given hooks to hang our things on, and the person helping us, teyana, immediately got us our waters for our brushes and helped us get set up.”
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Krav Maga Ottawa
- Confident
- Learn
- Physical
“Be prepared to work hard, but you'll learn so many important and very practical skills, while also improving your fitness level and having fun with great people along the way.”
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Centre Evolution HQ
“Despite the sore body that I have after every training, despite the uncomfortable, inferior positions that I am often stuck in whilst sparring, I still look forward to the next class whenever I am not there.”
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Brave Martial Arts Institute Inc.
“I've visited many Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gyms in Ottawa and trained at one for a long period of time, however Brave Martial Arts Institute really stood out for me.”
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Hintonburg Pottery
- Wheel
- Classes
- Creative
“She read the room well, and knew when someone was struggling and could use some guidance, versus when someone just needed some time to work through it themselves.”
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Ground X Jiu Jitsu
- Atmosphere
- Train
- Competitive
“I also appreciated that I was provided with videos of all the techniques I was going to be exposed to so that I could familiarize myself with them in advance.”
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Phoenix Taekwondo Martial Arts Academy
- Confidence
- Discipline
- Adults
“This year, I am pleased to say that I passed my black belt test and that I am much more active and capable thanks to my own persistence and also the encouragement and support I received from the staff and my fellow students.”
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Tina Takahashi Martial Arts
“In my childhood I experienced a lot of bullying (especially when it came to anything physically demanding), and as a result I've generally been a very solitary person, afraid of people and being physically active in a social environment.”
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Cooligan Martial Arts & Fitness
“The discussions they have prior to each class and the quality of marital arts training he receives have greatly increased his confidence, focus, balance & overall well-being.”
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Ottawa Academy of Martial Arts
“We thought we were just getting ourselves out of a pinch, knowing nothing about martial arts- but it turned out to be so much more and was the #1 factor that eased the transition for our son with a big move and a lot of changes.”
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Capital Taekwondo Martial Arts & After School Program
- Confidence
- Family
- Happy
“I highly recommend this Martial Arts club, as is a one only opportunity for kids to get such professional coach with the guidance of Master Radomir and his team of professionals that are truly knowledgeable (Olympic taekwondo) and care about deep lea...”
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Gracie Barra Ottawa
“If you are looking to be part of a great community, make new friends, learn self defense, compete, get fit or just have fun, I highly recommend Gracie Barra Ottawa.”
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Arcan Taekwon-do
“Whether you are simply looking for a fun way to get in shape/meet new people/learn self-defence or want to compete locally, nationally or internationally, this is a great martial arts school.”
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N1 Thai Boxing Academy
“After being tired of training in a regular "gym" I never knew how addictive muay thai and boxing could be - I encourage anyone to try , and after that I know you will want to continue going back!”
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MD Kickboxing
- Skills
- Muay Thai
- Shape
“I'd recommend Mike's classes to anybody looking to improve their fitness level, skill level, and even those who simply are looking to be better versions of themselves.”
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Westside Muay Thai
- Champions
- Skills
- Train
“Easy to miss the discreet sandwich board advertising it's presence in the heart of Wellington West, this gym is a superior training ground for the Art of eight limbs.”
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100% Martial Arts & Fitness
“After many years training at 100% Martial Arts & Fitness - Nepean , my kids, my wife and I can assure you there is no better place to join the world of martial arts.”
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Douvris Martial Arts
“Sensei Fort is an amazing teacher and taught my son Frankie so much confidence and discipline, I'm so happy to be a part of this wonderful martial arts program and will continue to bring my son to learn more and more!!!”
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Zen Mixed Martial Arts
- Karate
- Train
- Fitness
“Not only does it offer great martial arts (BJJ, Karate, Muay Thai), but it also offers a great friendly environment that makes you feel happy and encouraged.”
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Pro-Style Martial Arts Academy
“From each and every Sensei to the compassionate and excellent instruction and care my son receives each time he comes to class, we are wildly pleased, enthusiastic and excited that our son wished to become a 'ninja' so we could be a part of this amaz...”
Martial Arts Training Services in Stittsville, ON Cost Estimates
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