(6 Reviews)

À propos de nousTuto Expert a été fondé par des enseignants chevronnés possédants plusieurs années d'expériences au niveau primaire et secondaire, dévoués à la réussite scolaire des étudiants au Québec.
Official Website
Services Offered
We’ve sourced this information directly from the business, so there may be some errors or omissions. If you have any feedback or suggestions on how we can improve this feature, we'd love to hear from you!
- Aide Aux Devoirs
- Enrichissement et Rattrapage
- Préparation Aux Examens
- Tutorat en Ligne
- Cours dâété
- Préparation à Lâexamen Casper (Cegep et Université)
Business owners cannot change feedback on their page.
Sentiment Analysis
Excellent educational institution, I highly recommend
Subsequently, the tutors are highly qualified, experienced, dynamic and welcoming.
Quality tutoring!!
Tutors are knowledgeable, patient and create a positive learning environment.
Very welcoming place with tutors who have the children's success at heart!!
The center is created by passionate people who are committed to the success of our young people.
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