Genesis Tutoring

Since 2015, Genesis Tutoring has supported students in the West Island and Montreal. Our experienced tutors are here to guide you through your semester, coach you to meet your academic goals, or build a personalized crash course to boost you on your upcoming test.
Official Website
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We’ve sourced this information directly from the business, so there may be some errors or omissions. If you have any feedback or suggestions on how we can improve this feature, we'd love to hear from you!
- Tutor/Teacher
Sentiment Analysis
Lauren is so helpful always available when needed to add a day of tutoring or switch a day !
My child, in a very short time, became much more confident and worked through many diffictult problems with ease.
.acted quickly to help us in a time sensitive situation
This place is great, they helped my friend with Calculus and the process was so smooth.
The staff helped my brother pass calculus 2 and graduate computer science.
Lauren is an amazing person, she is very professional, Caring, thoughtful, does what she says she will do.
Lauren is so knowledgeable and always available.
You never waste your time with her and she gives you a really good guide on what to do.
She helped him immensely with the SSAT test and Duolingo.
Great accompagnement for the SSAT and Duolingo exams as well as the application to the different pre schools.
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