Academy Diderot
(36 Reviews)

L'expérience d'apprentissage qu'offre le tutorat à l'Académie Diderot aide les élèves à développer de bonnes habitudes de travail, à stimuler leur goût d'apprendre, à renforcer leur confiance en leurs capacités et à améliorer leurs résultats scolaires. Découvrez des
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In Business Since 2019
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Sentiment Analysis
If I lived in the area, I would have taken tutoring all year round.
It was a good balance of learning and fun and the team is super educational.
The team is undeniably great!
My daughter Louise gained confidence and improved her results following the mathematics tutoring sessions with Léandre.
It is a cozy and pleasant place, young people are encouraged to socialize, to help each other and the staff takes care of everyone's well-being.
Very satisfied with the lessons given online and I appreciate the support given to my child with his homework and preparation for exams.
My 7 year old daughter has been in a French course at the Académie Diderot for 3 months.
My daughter increased very much her french skill in only 3 months.
Being able to learn with just one or two friends and a friendly, caring teacher in a friendly environment suits him perfectly.
I am very satisfied with the service my daughter received in French and math.
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